
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

In a Galaxy Far, Far Away

As previously mentioned, I'll be attending Costume College at the end of July and with that comes lots of new projects to work on. For the Thursday night Welcome/Pool Party, the theme is Garments of the Galaxy and I've decided a very fitting choice would be to make a 1950's inspired Princess Leia based loosely on this picture:
This is partly because my original plan was to wear this to my 5 year college reunion this past weekend, but that didn't happen. Moving forward I'm planning to use the bodice and skirt from one retro pattern I own but the elbow length bishop sleeves from Charm Patterns Night and Day dress.

And of course, I'll be decked out with Leia's iconic cinnamon roll hair and some form of a metallic belt. Another bonus wear for this dress is I'll be visiting Disney World in January where the new Star Wars : Galaxy' Edge opens in late August. With all the media from Disneyland's version which just opened, it's going to take a lot of will power to resist the urge to get an annual pass and fly down to Orlando for their opening days. I'm just so excited!

Do you have a favorite Star Wars character?

Monday, May 27, 2019

West Coast Bound!

Big news - I'm attending Costume College for the first time this July! I'm super excited to learn as well as play dress-up with hundreds of other ladies. There are at least 5 different events to dress-up for on top of tons and tons of classes (both limited and unlimited), vendors, and other costuming related events. As of this posting, I have received my picks for limited classes (basic beading and corset flossing) and am in the throes of figuring out my schedule of unlimited classes and planning costumes to wear for the various events. These are the Thursday evening Welcome Party, the Friday Social, Saturday night Gala (complete with red carpet), Sunday "mourning" breakfast (which I may or may not attend depending on how exhausted I am from Saturday night), and the Sunday afternoon Tea (which I was not able to secure a ticket for). So that brings the grand total to a minimum of three garments I'll need to make/pack. More to come on these, as a single post won't do them justice.