
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Semesterly Stuffs

So there is a lot to report since my last post. Urinetown went very well - we sold out Friday and almost sold out on Saturday. All the people who came to see the production really enjoyed themselves. It was definitely a ton of fun. My manliness (ok boyishness) went well and I liked being almost fully disguised under a hat and boy-shirt for once. My favorite part was that I ended up jumping on Bobby's back during Act 1 Finale which made me very happy (see 2nd photo below). What was really nice about the entire production was that everyone got along very well - we had a cast of 15, so we all became really close which is something I've never felt in a cast before. I'm really pleased and can't wait until my next production with this group!
(Top to bottom: the cast, Act 1 Finale, Mr. Cladwell, and Cop Song)

The end of the semester is right around the corner, meaning my costume design and costume shop classes will end soon. I have truly enjoyed the design class - it has been a lot of work, but very insightful and fun in the meantime. I think grade-wise I am doing just fine, I just need to maintain my standards for my final project (which is 12 designs for 2 separate productions of A Midsummer Night's Dream). I know that I want to set one production in the 1950s with the setting in a diner and drive-in movie...I just need to get to work because the drawings are due the 2nd.

I guess one good thing is that I got all my classes for next semester (no acting or costume classes) but I'm excited because I will be taking an American Studies course on New England Material Culture. Can't wait to work with artifacts!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

This will be a quicky

partly because I have little to say and partly because I have a paper and project due tomorrow and tech rehearsals tonight. I've started to play with changing my header. I created a collage with Picasa and put text over it (aren't I so tech savvy?). Planning to change it around later with better images, but this will do for now. More will come later about Urinetown fiascos.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Arrrgh matey!

I received the news last night that was cast in my college's production of The Pirates of Penzance as a pirate/cop! I'm so glad to be in a Gilbert and Sullivan piece! I do have to admit that I would have rather been cast as a daughter of Major General-Stanley, but they sing really high and I can't sing that high. I've always heard that evil (are the pirates and cops evil?) characters are fun to play and I guess that's true. It's also a good thing because I have been cast as a goody-two shoe character for as long as I can remember. We go to a dance rehearsal today and I can't wait to find out what I will be doing!

Also, Urinetown opens 2 weeks from Friday!! We are close to ready (if you don't count finished costumes, props and sets) and I think it will be a good show - not all that fancy, but certainly very silly! We have dress rehearsals starting on the 13th and tickets go on sale that week.