
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Cording a Corset

Since my last entry, I've definitely neglected my plan to blog more often. I think grandiose plans are often easier said than done. Regardless, this lack of blogging has meant more productivity in terms of sewing (as well as lots of time going to work). In my recent sewing endeavor, I managed to crank out the remainder of one of my many UFOs (unfinished objects) or as I like to call them, UFPs (unfinished projects).

This particular project started back in the fall of 2012, when I made the decision to sew a complete regency outfit for my graduation ceremony in the spring of 2014. I figured that I would complete it a year ahead of time and be super organized. Long story short, I purchased the fabric, got it all cut out and marked, and then got lost in other projects that were less daunting. I think it was also forgotten at home when I moved to Michigan for 6 months after college graduation. When I moved back to Massachusetts, I eventually came to the conclusion that I wanted to volunteer in August at Old Sturbridge Village's Textile Weekend, thus making this a perfect project to complete and wear.