
Monday, January 31, 2022

Happy 2022

Once again, the year got away from me, and we are now in another year of this crazy pandemic. This weird semi-normal world where things aren't quite back to normal, yet we are still masking and concerned about the new variants cropping up everyday. I personally have had COVID only once, right after Christmas, when my brothers and sister-in-law were alerted to an exposure after a family gathering. I mostly felt like I had a mild flu. Knock-on-wood, I've been thankfully very healthy otherwise, but busy with the years events; moving out of and selling my childhood home, moving as much as humanly possible to my new place in Boston, purchasing my first sewing machine, flying to Raleigh for a family wedding, losing my job on January 28th, among other adventures that have been slightly stunted by the current atmosphere of the planet.

Despite everything, I still managed to schedule some light in the distance with a rogue Disney World trip at the end of February for the Princess Half Marathon. Now those of you who know me personally, know that I am not an athlete. I'd rather spend my time exercising in a yoga, ballet, or pilates class. The one time I played a sport in high school was my senior year and I signed up for track. I initially signed up for shot-put, but after a week of feeble attempts, the coach moved me to sprints. I still fared fairly poorly at this; one of the meets I placed 6th to last in the whole division. Nonetheless, when I saw the 5K theme for the weekend was Cinderella, I found it my impetus to sign up and run. The RunDisney signups pretty quickly, but somewhere along the way, I also found that Give Kids the World also has race registrations and participants can run and raise money for the Village. At the time of this post, I have raised over $750 and am hoping to raise $1000 by the time I hit the pavement on February 25th.