
Saturday, April 17, 2010

SP: Assistant to the Costume Manager?

I feel like Dwight who constantly tries to change his title from Assistant to the Regional Manager to Assistant Regional Manager. Anyway my first week of the senior project went really well - but it had a slow start. I spent some time at Vokes on Wednesday. I've yet to read the play, but it looks quite interesting. When I arrived, the woman in charge of costuming wasn’t there yet so I sat and watched the actors for about 15 minutes. After being part of acting at the high school, I noticed a huge difference between them and my peers. They were very strong actors and able to drop in emotions at the drop of a hat. I wonder if it was because they had been in rehearsal for so long or if they were just naturally good. It was cool. When the woman arrived, we went downstairs and she gave me a basis for what the costume plot of the show would entail. Hedda Gabler was written in the late 1890’s, but set in the 1860’s (meaning the original production would have had hoop skirts and bustles – something the director didn’t want to deal with). So they are setting their production in the 1890’s. Once I had ideas of what we were looking for (and approximate sizes) I helped pull costumes from their stock (a costume closet that was overstuffed with boxes). At one point the woman left me looking for blouses and I found a couple in a plastic box (with mouse droppings) that would work. We later tried the clothing on the actors and actresses and found which pieces worked and which didn’t. By the end of the night, we had potential costumes for 2 actors. Yay! I'm hoping to go back later this week. I actually really enjoy learning all this stuff.

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